I have to wonder why people lash out rather than moving on.
I understand defending a friend or one's self, but deciding -- randomly -- that you are being prosecuted against and snubbed because it's easier than trying to understand, is beyond me.
Perhaps it's easier than looking at the intent; if you believe that the world is out to get you then you can find proof everywhere. It's called a self actuating prophecy.
But wouldn't it be just as easy to believe that someone was playing or mis spoke?
Take that extra step, look beyond your self hatred. You over estimate your dark importance. You're not the center of everyone's universe, just your own, to think otherwise is to set yourself up for big time hurt. The twisted and perverse are distractions, they won't keep the kind crowds.
Like attracts like; learn to forgive -- yourself and others -- and find the beacon that will set you free.
Or don't.