* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Tuesday, March 15


Are you ready for a story, children?

Are you sitting comfortably?

Good. Let's begin.

Once apon a time (9ish in the evening) in a land by the bay, a 40ish princess was trimming her toenails. She was in bed and was getting grumpy about how the nails felt rubbing against the sheets so she took out the magic clippers and started cutting.

Snip! Snip! went the clippers. (Or Clip! Clip! if you're a stickler) and the nails did fly.

The 40ish princess got back in bed (after brushing off the sheets, of course) and went to sleep.

Several days later, while in the shower, much to the princess's surprise, she found a toenail clipping in the dark deep pit that was her navel.

The End

Nap Time!

Much to my horror, I'm here to admit that this is a true story. Except I'm not a princess. However I am 40ish.

Thursday, March 10

Busy Day

After lally gagging for a couple of hours this morning and early afternoon I went out and got much done. I cashed my check, picked up the new 'script to help stomp out my migraines, opened a bank account and set up direct deposit. I left home at 1pm and got home at 5pm. I can't believe I got so much done in 4 hours.

What I didn't do is mail the DVDs to amy. Sorry, amy. I'll do that on my way into San Francisco tomorrow.

I am really worn out tonight. I think I'll turn in early tonight and get going early tomorrow.

Good plan. Now, let's see what time I actually go to bed.

Addendum: it is now 11:19pm - I swear Di and I just cannot have a short conversation.

Tuesday, March 8

Another day

It was a beautiful day today so naturally I sat inside and watched tv. I swear I wanted to go out but I just couldn't do it. Tomorrow should be lovely too and I have to go out to go to therapy so I'll be out then. Maybe I can stay out for awhile. Or maybe I'll rush home and hide some more.

I do it so well.

In other news, I have a match on eHarmony and we are openingly communicating.

Friday, March 4

Today is a special day

Five years ago today my sweet Maudry Moo and my pretty-pretty Joss were born.

I'd also like to give a meow out to Drew (who lives in parts unknown) Osward (who lives with Theanna) and Mimi (who still lives Di and Mikey)-- happy birthday, fur-laden love bunnies one and all.

Wednesday, March 2

Not fair

How is it that I was sick in bed for a week and I didn't lose any weight?

Today is the first day that I didn't need to take a nap. I've been up since 10 and feel like I'm going to fall over, but at least I didn't nap. The end seems to be in sight, my ears have started to pop when I yawn and suddenly I can hear again, so I got that going for me.