* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Tuesday, October 19

Long Time No Post

It's funny because it's true.

Here it is in a nutshell; I moved, I turned 49 (shut up), found a kidney stone*, spent too much time home alone, then that gets us here.

So, how are you?

*I didn't find it, I had an x-ray for my back and there was a little something there so I went for a CAT-scan, where they found a stone that was blocking my right kidney. (It was the size of a jelly bean, but not one that you'd want to eat.) Well, from there it went pretty quickly, another x-ray, followed by a day procedure to put in a stent. That didn't go well so they put a hole in my back and stuck a tube into my kidney to let it drain. Then, as if that weren't enough, I spent nearly a month house bound with nurses coming in to change my dressing every other day. Finally I got another day surgery scheduled where the stone was zapped with a laser and a stent put in and the tube taken out (Yay!)


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