* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Saturday, January 31

Coming soon to Joe Klocek.com; blog!

I talked to Joe tonight. He's at a gig that he had been warned by other comics was a nightmare. (He was told to bring a bottle with him. Eek.) So, I called him earlier today because I was ... well, not concerned but hoping he was wrong about how bad it would be. He wasn't there so I left a message and a few hours later he called back.

He offered up the idea of an online journal a little apologeticly, he said he'd like it if it weren't too taxing for me to set it up. The funny thing is that I was thinking about offering it up to him. I didn't want him to take time away from writing bits, so I didn't bring it up.

Since he brought it up, I then told him about an idea I had concerning Shecky magazine.com and writing them to see if they would like to do an interview with him or a monthy column. Joe liked the idea so after the blog is up and running for awhile I'm going to send a link to Shecky.com and see what they think.

I'm very excited about this.

Thursday, January 29

All singing and dancing Buffy.

I'm embarrassed to say that I've started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I turned to it once when I wondered if Spike was on because I wanted to call Di and she loves the Spikester. Someone said something funny and I was hooked. I've been watching it ever since.

Anyway, yesterday's episodes were cut down to one because of a movie that FX was showing at 5:30, so I recorded the two shows this morning. One was a very good Halloween episode but the second was a singing and dancing episode that makes me happy to be alive. I might have to keep this tape.

Gah. Another obsession. Is there room in my head? And if there isn't, what gets removed? Or is obsession like love in the respect that the more you feel the more there is? That's a frightening thought. Obsession is the darker side of love, the fear side of love. The need to collect and hoard and be the owner of something/one.

Now I feel happy to be alive and dirty.

Things are back to normal.

Tuesday, January 27

Diane's Dream

In the dream Diane wakes up and sees that there is a door at the foot of her bed and it's open. A backlit figure steps up to the door and enters. The figure is large and frightening; it has the look of Alien. It moves up to her side of the bed where it smooths her blankets, tucks her in and exits.

Now why can't I have nightmares like that?

Saturday, January 24

BTW, February 17 is Di's birthday.

She better want to go to the Punch Line that night.

Hear me, woman?

Just a quick one...

Joe Klocek is going to be headlining the Punch Line San Francisco on February 17th.

If you are you in the San Francisco Bay Area, please come to the show, Joe is really funny and I promise you'll have a great time. Remember to tell the red headed chick at the door that you want him to headline again.

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 21


It's been a bad day -- unemployment has not approved for extension so I will soon be penniless -- but on the up side...

This was on Neil Gaiman's blog; "The March of the Sinister Ducks"can be listened to at http://www.harpercollins.com/hc/images/om/JB/SinisterDucks-MarchoftheSinisterDucks.mp3

So, anyone want to give me a pity fuck? I could really use one. I could give you one in return.

Monday, January 19


Okay, you all need to be brought up to speed. On the 10th Diane and I went to Sketchfest to see Totally Looped with (gasp!) Rick Overton. I haven't seen him in ages and I have to say that when I did see him I ran at him. BACKSTORY: Di went out to smoke and I was talking to someone at the bar, I glanced out the door to see where Di was smoking, and there was Rick. I left the person I was talking to, hip checked a guy, apologized on the move, ran out through the doors, across bricks and into Rick's arms. I not only flung my arms around him but a leg as well. He picked me up, all 185 pounds of me, and carried me.

He seemed to be as happy to see me as I was to see him. Di and he had seen each other, and Di had greeted him the same way I had. Arms and leg. LOL

I'm too tired to go into any kind of detail, but I will say this; Di and I met up with Dana Cory for the show, where Dana met up with her friend Chris (who is a *fine* actor) and the four of us went out after the show and partied with Rick and most of the rest of the cast of the show. Including the troupe Some Kind of Cult, if you haven't seen them, do. They are out of Seattle, WA.

Di and I left the hotel at 3am, I crashed on Brian Malow's sofa but not until Brian and I had talked for another couple of hours. It was 5am before the lights went out and I lay down on the couch to sleep, which I managed to do around 6:30a. Brian has a kind neighbor who played me awake with a piano at 9:15a. Well, yay.

On the 11th, Di and I met up at Cobb's for another Sketchfest event, the MST3K Symposium, this was in the afternoon, and both Di and I were worn out. I know I was whiny and cranky, Di might have been as well, but I couldn't hear her over my internal voice bitching about everything.

There is something about being around Rick that gives me confidence. I've felt sure of myself for over a week, now I'm coming down with a cold or something so I feel more tired than anything. I'd like to think it was something about how he finds me interesting and smart, but this time he said I was beautiful.

Let me let that sink in. Me -- beautiful. And said by someone I adore. Shallow? Oh yeah, skin deep. The thing is, that I didn't feel any different, I didn't start wearing skin tight cat suits or anything, but I did feel...

Oh, shit. I felt validated. I felt worthy. I felt like me, but a newer, fresher version. Rynn 2004! Now with Retzin!

I want to hold onto this feeling, this updated person, but I'm not sure how to. Is there a way to keep an epiphany sharp and real and clear in your mind? Or is that the price we pay for the sudden understanding? I guess it'll be how it is, at least I'll have the memories of the week I felt like I was something more than I usually am.

Friday, January 9

I get to see Rick tomorrow! Yay! 9 months is too long to see a friend.

Wednesday, January 7

20 years on the west coast and how do I celebrate? I'm still in my night clothes. I'm in need of a shower but can't bring myself to get off line. I'm bored but listless, yearning but lazy, sad but disinterested.

I should look into getting back on the antidepressants.

Monday, January 5

Okay, who wants to fall in love with me? Huh? Any takers? I've been doing yoga, so I'm limber. I'll love you up good.

No, I'm not desperate, why do you ask?

Sunday, January 4

Happy Birthday, Dave Foley

He's 41 today.

My emotions are out of control. I'm in love, I'm out of love, I fall, I get up, only to fall again.

It's got to stop, right? I mean at some point won't my brain realize that its feeling two things about a guy but not at the same time? It's good to know that I can fall for someone I know and not just have teenage crushes on glowing images.

I have to find a way to break this trend.

Saturday, January 3

I'm gonna wash that color right out of my hair...

I'm doing my roots. I must be feeling better about the world in general or I would just leave them.

I made the lasagna, but it came out a little dry. I'm going to get some more sauce to put over the top before I stick it in the microwave. I used those no boil noodles, not because I wanted to but because that was the only kind the store had. Even though I took a walk before I went shopping I didn't take any pictures. I was going to, but then I felt like a tourist and couldn't bring myself to take the camera out of my bag.

Oh, sleepy...

I have no reason to be, but I am. I'm making lasagna today, so that should be fun. I might even take a walk first and take some pics with the new digital camera.

Rick will be here in a week, I can't wait. I haven't seen him since April, and I need my Rick fix, man. I'm hurtin'!

I don't really have anything to say and yet, I felt the need to post.

Look at me! I'm boring!

Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year, kids!

I stayed in last night, drank a couple of beers and watched Donnie Darko. I was invited out, but the energy is so forced on NYE, I declined. If I had been 15% braver, I would have gone.


It's almost my 20th anniversary of living on the west coast, I feel like I ought to plan something. I was thinking about a movie night here with friends, but as I sit here thinking about it, it seems like a lot of work. Maybe I'll do a comedy club night. That seems a good way to celebrate coming to the place where I first saw live comedy.