* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

:: Email Rynnie[>]
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:: amy [>]
::Barb [>]
::Brian Malow [>]
::Charles [>]
:: eva8 [>]
:: Gina [>]
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::Kristi [>]
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:: Sarah C [>]
:: Social Grace [>]
:: Tavie [>]

Saturday, March 14






At Pemaquid Point, Maine.

Thursday, March 12


Gina and Tavie will be here tomorrow, must get into, and stay in, clean mode. I was sick for a couple of days and I lost my momentum. I must get to the dishes and the table first, then declutter because I can get lost in decluttering.

"Huh," I'll mutter, "Here's that button that was going to go on that thing I was making. I wonder what I did with that thing. Maybe over here..." 

Before you know it; more clutter.

So the day is planned out for me, although I do need to go to the store and get the cat litter that I didn't get yesterday because I didn't put it on my list because I knew that I need it and wouldn't forget it.



But first, the whores!

Sunday, March 8

My Weekend

I'm cleaning for my Goils, Gina and Tavie, who are coming to visit next weekend. I guess that you could call it an early Spring cleaning. I left the windows open while I was over to Laurie's borrowing an extension cord and the apartment smells so fresh and clean that I want to curl up and go to sleep.

Now I need to get some food in me, I haven't eaten yet today and thanks to the time change it's almost bed time. I think that I'll make some pasta and fling some butter and cheese on it and call it dinner.

In other news, I watched Buckaroo Bonzai, Galaxy Quest, and am now watching The Hudsucker Proxy. My dreams should be interesting tonight.

Thursday, March 5

I Realize That It's The Shortest Month

But DAMN February went by fast.

I'm going to make something to eat.