* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

:: Email Rynnie[>]
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:: Recovering Beauty [>]
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:: Sarah C [>]
:: Social Grace [>]
:: Tavie [>]

Wednesday, April 30

Thanks Montel

I was watching Montel Williams while I was waiting for the apartment
management people to come and see if there might be any toilet tablets
in our collective tanks (don't ask) andMontel said something that made me realize something; I've been living on the surface.

If you don't know me well then you don't know that I have spent most of my
young, mid, and later adult life as a seeker of spirituality. I bitch a
lot here mostly because there are times that no one will listen to how
I feel or what I think and I need to get it out so it doesn't fester.
For the past few years there have been many distractions; several
moves; friendships, some bent, some broken; the death of a cherished
pet; and more money problems than I even talked about here, all of
these things have brought my focus to the surface. I have been
neglecting my soul.

It's a small epiphany and has little to do with what I've not been writing about, but I wanted to make note of it here.

Sunday, April 27

Further long time

I know, I know; I wrote that I would update soon. Life has made me too tired to do much more than I have. The trouble is that I don't feel like I can give a pared down version of the events and still do them justice that they deserve.

I will try to get back here, soon.