Here's an odd turn of events: I have had an on going complaint in the office where I work about flags. I don't have a problem with coworkers having the American Flags at their work stations, but I don't think that I should have to look at them when all they do is remind me of the war. I have cried so many times at work since this started it's embarrassing. There are ways to have these flags at the work stations so my coworkers can see them but I cannot. My coworkers on the other hand, have decided that what they would like is to force me to look at what is upsetting me. In some cases, they have put the flags where I can see them, but they can't. It's all very petty.
Long story short (too late) I have been fighting for my rights for just over a month and a half. Day before yesterday, I finally had enough. I told my boss, who never listens to what I'm saying and doesn't care what's happening in the office unless it has something directly to do with her, that I was going to start a formal grevience. Yesterday, she came out with a memo about personal items and the removal of said items if they are upsetting to others in the office.
Over a month and a half to get her to do what she should have in the first place.
Also yesterday, I was suspended for one day because I have called out 15 times since last November.
Retaliatory? Oh, just a tad.
What kills me is how much joy she gets out of writing people up and suspending them. It's sickening.
A foot note to this story, guess when she took over from the fair-minded, sweet boss? November, last year.