* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

:: Email Rynnie[>]
:: Wishlist [>]
:: My Flickr [>]
:: Animal Rescue [>]
:: Alex Bennett [>]
:: amy [>]
::Barb [>]
::Brian Malow [>]
::Charles [>]
:: eva8 [>]
:: Gina [>]
:: KITHblog [>]
::Kristi [>]
::Marc Hershon [>]
:: My Cat Hates You Dot Com [>]
:: Neil Gaiman [>]
:: Not Always Right [>]
:: PostSecret [>]
:: Questionable Content [>]
:: Recovering Beauty [>]
:: Sarah [>]
:: Sarah C [>]
:: Social Grace [>]
:: Tavie [>]

Tuesday, November 27

I've just spent the last 45 minutes catching up with the View AskewBoard/News Askew site. That Kevin Smith seems to be a nice guy. Although, he doesn't take shit from the folks that ask questions that they already know the answers he's also kind with those who state their opinions with which Kevin doesn't agree. I think that's amazing. It would be so easy just to blast everyone, but he takes the time to try to understand where they are coming from.

I wish I could go to the Vulgarthon in January. Ah, well...

Oh no! Steve is sick! Someone get him some chicken soup, quick! Wrap him in a soft quilt, lay a cool hand on his brow and call him, "honey." Lozenges! STAT!

I'm not feeling very well either, but I stock it up to stress. On going, mind crushing stress. I would really like to be happy again. It's been so long since I've been really happy. I can't wait til Friday, payday, and I can go shopping for some clothes for the Cobb's Holiday Party. I've gained so much weight this year I can't possibly wear the same things I wore last year. Maybe I'll even get new shoes.

God, I'm such a girl.

Sunday, November 25

Steve is my geek hero.

Thanks Steve!

Who knew it would be so hard to switch from blogspot to website. And thanks to Steve it now can be viewed at its new home. Now if I can get the archives to work, I'll be a very happy girl.

I am so ready to start writing but I have given a deadline of Monday to get their homework assignments to me. I can't start before I have all the characters, can I?

I've cut my hair again. I know I shall get a concerned email from Tavie about it. I believe she is a one person support group for those who are thinking of getting their hair cut.

"I don't think you should do anything until I can get there with the restraints."

Bless our Tavie and her important work.

Not much to do today. It's overcast and cold, I don't feel much like going out. I'm in a napping mood and wish it would start to rain -- napping on rainy days is the best. Sometimes I nap when it's raining without meaning to. I was watching The Jagged Edge once and it started to rain and the next thing I knew Glenny was screaming and Jeff Bridges was laying dead on her carpet. The last thing I had seen was her starting to get the warm squishies for him.

I watched The Virgin Suicides this morning. I'm not sure that I liked it but I'm still glad I saw it. It reminded me of The River's Edge.

I wonder how much that building weights.

Thursday, November 22

I started making notes for the next Susan story today. Now if my *friends* would just finish their homework assignments and email them to me I might be able to start writing.


I missed cooking today for Thanksgiving. I love the process of getting everything done at the same time and the wonderful smells of the holiday. I have to boil an onion to get the house to smell just right but I don't mind the extra work. But this year I worked and I didn't really have the money to pay for all the food anyway. Maybe I'll just cook a turkey for no reason.

Anyone want to come for a visit and eat? Boils and goils are welcome anytime after the 30th.

Wednesday, November 21

Must write.

Must write.

Must write.

Must write.


Sunday, November 18

It breaks my heart that they have made an Iron Chef, American. Although it might make people watch the original Japanese Iron Chef. I can't bring myself to watch ICA, I must say that making Shatner the Crazy Millionaire is type casting.

The Crazy Millionaire on IC is so funny. He is the only one whose voice isn't dubbed. Bob asked me why that was I had to point out that he *is* the Crazy Millionaire. I love that there is a guy who is so rich and loves food so much that he built Kitchen Stadium. How perfect is that?

Diane and I hung out at Cobb's last night. We took them 3 dozen doughnuts -- Krispy Kreames. We've been looking for a way to say thank you for everything they have done for us and when Diane was there last week Terry said that she thought the glazed doughnuts were so good that they must be made with Crack. I don't understand it myself. Don't get me wrong, I love doughnuts but Krispy Kreames have an evil after taste that no amount of breath mints can kill. But I digress. The folks at Cobb's like the doughnuts, so the folks at Cobb's got the doughnuts.

While Diane was in watching the show I was outside talking with Terry, flirting with Ben, and catching up with Brian Malow who was middling.

Good times.

Wednesday, November 14

I wonder how people change jobs. How do they know what they can do after doing the same thing for a long time? I've been answering phones for almost 18 years, which is a really long time to do something you had no intention of doing. I'd like to do something else but I don't know what it would be. I'm not trained for anything else but I'd really like to do something where I wouldn't have to deal with the public. I'm sure talking to stupid people all day is a big part of why I feel so much stress and general dislike for the world.

I don't like being bitter all the time but I don't think I'm going to get away from it without leaving my job.

I just took the emode test to find out my real age and it turns out that I'm almost 50. I was so sure I was going to be younger than my real age that it came as quite a shock. I was so upset I deleted the email informing me of the test.

I need to figure out how to put links in here, it seems like it should be an easy thing. Maybe I have to do it in the html.

And spell check is still down for maintenance.


Tuesday, November 13

I'm so tired. I wonder if this depression will ever break. All I want to do is lay down and try to sleep. I might have to give up and go to the doctor. I hate that I can't make this go away on my own.

Monday, November 12

There are so many images on the news about the airliner crash this morning I don't know how to process them. Some houses on fire, some standing nearby untouched, the way a tornato might distroy a neighborhood. There was a woman who was interviewed, she was sleeping in her house, her yard faced the yard of the house that was hit. The reporter asked her if she thought there could be any survivers from the plane. The woman said that no, the plane was a fireball. The reporter then asked her, "What about your neighbors?" The woman totally missed the point the reporter was making; do you think the people in the house could have lived? The woman rattled on about how everyone was running from the other houses as if she couldn't let herself see that the people in that house were dead.

What can that be like, to have a plane crash into your home as you sleep? Or even as you watch tv? How long can you hear the sound of something screaming towards you when you let go of denial and try to escape?

I want to curl up and sleep until the world makes sense again.

Thursday, November 8

Oh, and the other thing about being suspended this one day is that I won't have enough money on this check to pay my rent, which is late anyway. I'm hoping for one day of overtime. That would teach them.

Here's an odd turn of events: I have had an on going complaint in the office where I work about flags. I don't have a problem with coworkers having the American Flags at their work stations, but I don't think that I should have to look at them when all they do is remind me of the war. I have cried so many times at work since this started it's embarrassing. There are ways to have these flags at the work stations so my coworkers can see them but I cannot. My coworkers on the other hand, have decided that what they would like is to force me to look at what is upsetting me. In some cases, they have put the flags where I can see them, but they can't. It's all very petty.

Long story short (too late) I have been fighting for my rights for just over a month and a half. Day before yesterday, I finally had enough. I told my boss, who never listens to what I'm saying and doesn't care what's happening in the office unless it has something directly to do with her, that I was going to start a formal grevience. Yesterday, she came out with a memo about personal items and the removal of said items if they are upsetting to others in the office.

Over a month and a half to get her to do what she should have in the first place.

Also yesterday, I was suspended for one day because I have called out 15 times since last November.

Retaliatory? Oh, just a tad.

What kills me is how much joy she gets out of writing people up and suspending them. It's sickening.

A foot note to this story, guess when she took over from the fair-minded, sweet boss? November, last year.


Tuesday, November 6

I wish I had something to say that would be as half as entertaining as simply banging my head against a wall.

Okay, now what do I do?

For the love of god and all that is holy and good in the world, why did I give out my blogger addy?

Now, I'm going to feel like I have to write in it, like I am now, and I have nothing to say!

Why lord, why?!

Sunday, November 4

I still am not happy with the whole Blog thing. I would be happier about it if I could figure out the HMTL problems I'm having.

Maybe I'll just forget about it and go eat some Chinese Food.
