* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Thursday, April 28


It's finally here! It opens tomorrow!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!

I'm so excited!

I wish Douglas Adams had lived to see this day. I hope it's the way he would have wanted it.

Sunday, April 24

I just had a silly thought

What if some visionary decided to do a version of Waiting for Godot with chickens in the major roles?

Monday, April 18

The weekend

I feel like I'm wasting my weekends. I don't go out, I don't get phone calls, I don't write, I get headaches, and I nap. I'm listless and bored but feel helpless to do anything about it. I miss Theanna. I wish we could hang out, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon.

On an up note, I bought some sconces from this company on eBay; Moonlight Cove Magick Apothecary. It has really cool products, but more importantly, it has Hilary. She took care of me as if I had spent a huge amount of money at her store rather than under $60. She is kind and lovely, I recommend the site because of her, her customer service, and her overall wonderful humanity. There's so much meanness in the business world it's amazing to work with someone as sweet as Hilary. Go buy something from her, right now. It will cheer me up.

Friday, April 15

An Entry with Little Point

I don't know why I'm making a post right now, I don't have anything to say. Nothing has really happened to report. No strange ideas have come to me that I felt like I had to share.

I'm lonely. I haven't seen Theanna in far too long, I miss my Goils, and Jennifer is all kinds of pregnant and I wish I could be there to help her.

I'm sad that my first eHarmony "open communications" didn't work out. Hurt that he didn't have the balls to say he wasn't interested. Open communication, my ass!

I'm feeling spaced out and tired, maybe I should just go to bed. I'm having lunch with Sparkie tomorrow, so I have that sandwhich to look forward to...

Wednesday, April 13

Happy Penis Day everyone!

The Japanese Phallic Festival.

Don't eat the snow cones.

Wednesday, April 6

Is this funny?

My sex drive has dropped to an all-time low; the only use I'm getting from my vibrator recently is in making my omelettes fluffer.

So, I've got that going for me.

Monday, April 4


I had a fairly productive day, yesterday. I got a new vacuum from Overstock.com that has a HEPA filter and spend most of yesterday afternoon cleaning and rearranging the furiture. There's still work to do but I didn't feel up to it today. Like always, I hurt my back either moving the TV or vacuuming, maybe both.

Today I finally went out to get half and half. I've been out of it for days but just didn't have it in me to go out where people were. Yesterday I drank the last Pepsi I had so I was out of life giving caffiene so I had to venture out unless I wanted to get even bigger headaches and the need to sleep even more.

The time change has left me out of sorts, too.

I talked to my beloved little sister, Jennifer, today. She is so amazing I'm stunned that she still talks to me. She's so smart and funny, I haven't met her new husband yet but he's a SciFi nerd so I think we'll get along. I hope they can come visit me soon I haven't seen Jen's son in 6 years. He's going to be 13 this year.

Lord I'm old.

Friday, April 1

Happy New Year

To all my fellow pegans, happy new year, I hope this year brings you strength and happiness.