* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Friday, November 16


It's snowing.

Monday, November 12

Support the Writers

If you'd like to support the Writer's and the strike please go here and sign the petition so those walking the picket line will know that they are justified in wanting to be paid for their work.

Thursday, November 8

eva8 recently commented:

i understand why you write what you write here, it's what's in your heart.

but on the other hand, i sometimes wonder if anything good ever happens to you. i mean, haven't you ever had a nice day? or a time when someone did something nice? or seen something that just makes you smile?

you know my dear kevin is a kind of cranky bastard. and sometimes when he complains so much that i just can't take any more, i say to him "say something positive, right now!"
and then he'll say something like "my feet don't hurt"

and now i say to you, "say something positive!"

Um... My feet don't hurt Kevin?

Tuesday, November 6

National Novel Writing Month

It's that time of year, time to shake my head and wait for the words to fall out onto the keyboard and hope that not only are they are in order but that are interesting/entertaining.

Join me, won't you.

Sunday, November 4

"That suicide shit is boring"

I've been told that I need to lighten up on this blog. I told this person that I wrote what I felt and was told, "that suicide shit is boring."

Um, thanks?

Sorry to be so dull as to be depressed. I know that you don't understand why I can't just snap out of it in a couple of days like you do, but I'm not you. I've been as strong as I could be for as long as I could and I have been beaten by life. I know it must seem tedious to always read about a good friend feeling trapped and unloved and not wanting to exist any more. How could I be so rude to try to write my way through it?

On my own blog.

I shouldn't be hurt by this, because I've heard it before; you don't like weakness in people. But I am hurt by the lack of empathy you have for me. You'll take me to therapy but if I need an ear between sessions, I know it isn't yours. I'd like to think that it is like a blind spot, that you just can't see why someone can't pull it together, but I think it's a choice.

In an emergency, I know you will be there, I have no doubt. In a slow decline, I also know not to bother you, I will find my comfort elsewhere or not at all.