* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Sunday, November 4

"That suicide shit is boring"

I've been told that I need to lighten up on this blog. I told this person that I wrote what I felt and was told, "that suicide shit is boring."

Um, thanks?

Sorry to be so dull as to be depressed. I know that you don't understand why I can't just snap out of it in a couple of days like you do, but I'm not you. I've been as strong as I could be for as long as I could and I have been beaten by life. I know it must seem tedious to always read about a good friend feeling trapped and unloved and not wanting to exist any more. How could I be so rude to try to write my way through it?

On my own blog.

I shouldn't be hurt by this, because I've heard it before; you don't like weakness in people. But I am hurt by the lack of empathy you have for me. You'll take me to therapy but if I need an ear between sessions, I know it isn't yours. I'd like to think that it is like a blind spot, that you just can't see why someone can't pull it together, but I think it's a choice.

In an emergency, I know you will be there, I have no doubt. In a slow decline, I also know not to bother you, I will find my comfort elsewhere or not at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i understand why you write what you write here, it's what's in your heart.

but on the other hand, i sometimes wonder if anything good ever happens to you. i mean, haven't you ever had a nice day? or a time when someone did something nice? or seen something that just makes you smile?

you know my dear kevin is a kind of cranky bastard. and sometimes when he complains so much that i just can't take any more, i say to him "say something positive, right now!"
and then he'll say something like "my feet don't hurt"

and now i say to you, "say something positive!"

Tue Nov 06, 10:48:00 PM EST  

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