I've been feeling yucky for the past few days. I assume it is the pre-birthday blahs but my stomach is aching like heart break. I have no energy, no appetite, and throughout the day I get shaky every now and then. Plus... well, let's just say that there have been a lot of evacuations via the back door. I've stopped taking the over the counter allergy meds and having orange, banana, strawberry smoothie for breakfast; these are the only changes in my days/nights.
I so don't want to feel this way any more. The only good part of it is that I'm in my own place (have I mentioned here that I have my own place now? I do.) and I can nap or spend as much time as I need to in "the smallest room" and no one is put out by it.
Bedtime, I guess.
Oh, I'm teaching myself how to throw runes. Thus concludes the post.