* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

:: Email Rynnie[>]
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:: Recovering Beauty [>]
:: Sarah [>]
:: Sarah C [>]
:: Social Grace [>]
:: Tavie [>]

Tuesday, August 28

A Week Away

My birthday is next Wednesday, a week from tomorrow. I was born in the morning, 11:24 to be exact. The site of my first home is now a multiple stop traffic light intersection. (It is within walking distance from where I am now.) The hospital where I was born is now a building for storing files.

I'm going to take pictures so you all, well both of you, can see what has become of my past.

Sunday, August 26

The Left Coast

I miss my city.

A Quote

Writing is like feeling your way through the dark, and having the dark feel you back.


I love that someone gets what it's like to put your imagination outside your head. You never know what kind of icky but tasty goo is lurking inside your head until you leave the door open for it to syrup its way out.

Friday, August 24

Melanie's home!

I've been feeling yucky for the past few days. I assume it is the pre-birthday blahs but my stomach is aching like heart break. I have no energy, no appetite, and throughout the day I get shaky every now and then. Plus... well, let's just say that there have been a lot of evacuations via the back door. I've stopped taking the over the counter allergy meds and having orange, banana, strawberry smoothie for breakfast; these are the only changes in my days/nights.

I so don't want to feel this way any more. The only good part of it is that I'm in my own place (have I mentioned here that I have my own place now? I do.) and I can nap or spend as much time as I need to in "the smallest room" and no one is put out by it.

Bedtime, I guess.

Oh, I'm teaching myself how to throw runes. Thus concludes the post.

Thursday, August 16


Melanie is going into the shop, if you need me, call.

Still sorry

I promised to write, but I have an on going head cold that makes it hard to live. I mean write.

I've been sleeping mostly, napping, going to bed, staying in bed. I have things to do. I have dishes to wash. Carpets to vacuum. Plus all the stuff I want to do.

Le sigh.

Friday, August 10


I have much about which to blog, but I don't have it in me to write any of it now.

I'm posting today so Tavie won't take me off her link list. Hi Tavie!