I'm getting closer to moving out. I have so much information on grants and loans and areas to move into, I'm pretty overwhelmed by it all.
I want to get out of here as soon as I can because the landlord has made it *really* clear that I am not welcome here anymore. In spite of the fact that he gave me until the first of March to find a place he is now pushing me to leave.
When I called him to give him an update of what was going on for me he told me that his mother had fallen and broken her hip and couldn't walk up the stairs anymore, so she need to move in ASAP. She gets out of rehab this coming Sunday.
I hadn't been told any of this before, but he was acting like I was supposed to know that I needed to be out in time for his mother to move in when she comes back. I'm sure I don't know how I was supposed to know this without someone telling me but that was the vibe I was getting.
I'm working as hard as I can to find a place; I've even gotten in touch with resident hotels; contacted several roommate situations on Craig's List; Claire is getting boxes for me; Sparkie and Sparkie's Boyfriend are going to help me move as soon as I can find a place. I don't know what else I can do without just living on the streets.
Yeah, I'm frustrated and I think I'm getting sick.
If anyone has any ideas that I haven't mentioned here, please feel free to offer up suggestions.
And yes, I know I can go back to Maine to live for awhile but that's the thing I do right before I become homeless.