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It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Sunday, January 1

Me funny

Claire and I were talking about the flooding in Guerneville and how her boyfriend's mom, who lives there, had her house raised 9 feet this last year. I thought it was smart until she said that his mom put in a laundry room in the basement.

I asked if that didn't defeat the purpose of raising the house. Claire said that its a lot of space to leave empty so people used it for storage or for things that they didn't mind being flooded.

I gasped and said, "Oh no, my capsules of sponge monsters!"

We both had a good laugh, I was pleased with myself that I could think of something obscure that would be effected by flood water so quickly.

::pats self on head:: Good brain, gooooooood brain.


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