Congratulations! You're Aragorn!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
| Wednesday, December 31
![]() Congratulations! You're Aragorn! Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? brought to you by Quizilla Wednesday, December 24I went to a party last night, it was Ben's annual birthday party. It was held in an art gallery that had a theater with a movie screen; we watched Ghostbusters. It was so much fun. If you'd like to see how the new camera worked or give yourself a reason to feel jealous of the ol' Rynnster, go here to see pictures. Ben's Party I got this today (well. yesterday, really but shut up!) from my good friend, eva8 in an email which had the subject: Something I Have to Get Out of My Head Bird feet really freak me out. First of all, how can those little birds sit out in the snow and ice with those skinny and utterly naked feet. Can you imagine how cold they must be? Sometimes I wish I could make some tiny little bird boots and toss them into the yard so the birds will wear them to stay warm. I doubt they would put them on though. Also, the birds that come to my feeder seem to be getting fatter all the time. Do you suppose that one of them might get heavy enough for his little stick legs to just snap under the weight? Do you see why she has been my friend for over 20 years? Sunday, December 21LOL This is from Neil Gaiman's site, I think that it is the perfect holiday story: Spent much of this afternoon playing with a small child and her nativity set. Present at the Virgin Birth, I learned, in addition to a mummy a daddy and a baby, were some cattle, three wise men (one of whom was, I was confidently informed, carrying chicken salad back from the shops), a one-eyed polystyrene snowman, and Cruella DeVille. I had not known this previously. Saturday, December 20Friday, December 19Get this, I stopped watching the Kids in the Hall DVD to watch the Kids in the Hall on Comedy Central. I'm a glutton. A glutton for KITH. Nothing much more to report, I'm feeling down (it's raining today, again) and stupid for spending money I didn't have to play with because I'm an American and when we are down, we shop. The good news is that soon there will be links to pictures because my depressive mood made me buy a new digtal camera. Pretty. Poor. Wednesday, December 17Tuesday, December 9This is reprinted, with the kind permission of Tara; This was an IM conversation she had with her husband, George. "Sales Call" Tara: Say, Tara: do you need a smack? George: Why yes - yes i do George: thank you for asking Tara: Excellent! Tara: I have one right here that you can have...for a fee of course. George: Hm - do you have financing options? Tara: Of course. We take all your money at once. George: I see. Tara: I can see I'm losing you. What if I offered to take all your money and beat up your dogs? George: Do you supply mints as well? Tara: No, no mints, but we do have Lava-Tabs. George: Well that is tempting - but I was interested in the mints. Tara: 100% genuine Hawaiian Lava. Tara: Fresh! George: Fresh? Tara: Still smokin' Tara: In fact, it just burned through my briefcase, onto your floor, through your carpet, and into the center of the earth. So the lava option is no longer available. But I do have some mints. George: Well the lava sounds lovely - if you add the mints then you have a deal. Tara: The lava is gone. It also destroyed your basement. But you can keep the mints. Can I use your bathroom? I think I hear sirens. George: Ok George: go right a head Tara: ::climbs out window onto porch roof:: George: Don't slip Tara: ::slips:: Tara: ::falls into rosebushes:: George: Oh bother. Saturday, December 6Everything that's on my Amazon.com wishlist are either Dr. Seuss books or sex books. I think this says more about me than I want it to. Something you might not know about me: Although I am a fan, I no longer own any Dr. Suess books. I used to have quite a collection, but when I aquired a younger sister when my mom got married, she took possession of them. Apparently, I was too old for them. Yet, here I am some 31 years later wanting to own each and everyone of them. I leave you with this: Big feet, little feet, here come pig feet. Wednesday, December 3I will be brave. This will be my new mantra. I will be brave. How are you today, Rynn? I'm brave, how are you? Although I'm running the risk of sounding like Stuart Smiley, I have to tell myself that I'm worthy of love. I'm worthy of desire and being desired. Eek. I wasn't quite ready for that one. I think I'll stick with being brave and worthy of love for now. So, what are you doing today? I'm being brave, how about you? This sudden change in attitude is due to a chat I had tonight with Kitana. (DM will be lucky to be with you, hon, don't you ever forget that. ) Do you think it'll rain? I think it's going to be a brave day, thank you. I'll report back on how long this lasts. Monday, December 1Good news: I got that check. It was in my mail box Sunday. Bad news: Once again the landlord feels like it's okay to hold onto my mail. I don't know why that would be okay in anyone's book. I mean -- fuck! I went to Cobb's with Di last night, Lee Levine, (he was the only jewish kid in his neighborhood and the anti-Semitism was oddly personalized. "You know who's in charge of the media? Lee Levine. Let's get him.") Clark Taylor, (who has a long bit on his family shopping at The Walmart, that I can't possibly recreate, go see him and ask him before the show if he could, please, do it) and Jake Johannsen (On the east coast black out, "Some people were saying that the black out was a terrorist act. I'm a pussy but you've got to do more to scare me than turn out the lights. At least chase me or something. Ooooo, here comes the tickle monster!") A good time was had by all. But I'm still feeling a little pissy about the mail being put in my box so late. Tsk. People. |