* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

:: Email Rynnie[>]
:: Wishlist [>]
:: My Flickr [>]
:: Animal Rescue [>]
:: Alex Bennett [>]
:: amy [>]
::Barb [>]
::Brian Malow [>]
::Charles [>]
:: eva8 [>]
:: Gina [>]
:: KITHblog [>]
::Kristi [>]
::Marc Hershon [>]
:: My Cat Hates You Dot Com [>]
:: Neil Gaiman [>]
:: Not Always Right [>]
:: PostSecret [>]
:: Questionable Content [>]
:: Recovering Beauty [>]
:: Sarah [>]
:: Sarah C [>]
:: Social Grace [>]
:: Tavie [>]

Tuesday, June 24

Why do I do this to myself? I watch shows that I know are going to make me sob uncontrolably. It's the the ER where Dr. Greene dies. It's that image of him seeing the faces of the people he loves, he walks the empty halls of the er, as the Busta Rimes version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

I hope dying is like that; one last chance to connect with the ones and things you loved this time around. Like a dream just before you wake.

I wish I could stop crying.

Tuesday, June 17


More good news, I'm back working on Susan; proofing it and whatnot to prepare it to be sent out into the big scary world.

If you'd like to read the online version, just hit the BLOGHOME button above.

(Heehee, I just wrote butter, instead of button.)

(Mmmmmmm, butter, argululargul....)

Why is it, that I'm getting an error message, saying that I am forbidden to see my own fucking blog on this server.

What the fuck is up with that?

In other news, the new Monks start on USA this Friday.


Sunday, June 15

Maudry has a new nickname.

She drinks water from around the tub drain and the faucette drips onto her head. She and her sister are water cats so they don't mind being dripped on. Anyway, the water collects in her fur on back of her head. I've been calling her Puddlehead. She seems to like it, there is purring.

Thursday, June 12


Yesterday was Towel Day and I forgot to post about it.

Douglas Adams was/is a huge part of my life. He was a skillful writer who didn't so much like having to write as much as liked having written. He had a way of putting things that was at once artfully silly and perfectly visual. Here is a quote from Life, the Universe, and Everything:

"...a mind so twisted, it was actually spained."

Although I did know where my towel was all day, next year I will carry it with me, and tell anyone who is willing to listen how much Douglas Adams made the world a funnier place. And still is thanks to The Guide and Dirk Gently.

Tuesday, June 10

I finished Samatha's choker, she seemed to like it, so yay.

And today I made another bracelet. It's a pattern I found on line but I made it in about 4 hours. Here it is, if you'd like to look.

Saturday, June 7

I'm very happy. The peyote beading pattern that I was trying to simplify has finally been written down and my fifth attempt is looking like the pattern.

First time, you guys!

I am pleased.

I hope to become good enough at it to sell them on EBay. I don't know though, I like making them with people in mind. I'm working on a lilac and clear choker for Samatha (Peter's girlfriend). I'm seeing them tomorrow, so I have to get back to work on it.

Later, dudes!

Friday, June 6

Forgot to mention, I was up till 3am working on the bracelet, and I woke up at 10am. What the ....? I was feeling awake and spunky until about 10 minutes ago. I started thinking about taking the 15 minute walk to the store to get Half and Half for my tomorrow morning coffee, and now alls I can think about is laying down.

Anybody want to cuddle up and take a nap with me?

Check out the Look at me link to see the bracelet I made for my best bud. The larger beads are Carnelian and Amethyst, the smaller beads are glass. Isn't it pretty?

She's starting school this fall to become a teacher for deaf children. Carnelian is for motivation, and Amethyst is for intelligence -- I have both, as well as others in a bowl next to my computer, I call it my Inpiration Bowl.

Anyway, I'll leave the pic up for a while. Then I'll take a better one and stick it up permanently.

Thursday, June 5

From this site:Rob's Amazing Poem Generator

Inside Head a:majorly important medical
is making a majorly
important medical
test is just tuning in; their face
but I have to get in on!the tv until
the commentary with him and hold me? ::
figure out that way sometimes,
but I went
over and chanted
to come back saying
okay. Anyone want to wake up!way
fucking early.So I
went over and scheduled it should.
working was more movies why am
Obsessed. With.

I have decided that the person who did not understand me, is just that kind of person. The person snapped at someone else when there was no reason to do so. I now understand why a certain email about freedom of speech didn't make in onto a certain list.

Freedom of speech my ass.

Monday, June 2

Have you ever had the feeling that you are misunderstood?

In a very basic way, we all feel that way sometimes, but I think a someone is not paying attention and this is why I'm misunderstood. It's someone that I don't know, and that I don't want to offend or get in their face but I'm frustrated that there isn't anything I can do.

In the end I'll have to let it go, so I guess I'll do that now.
