* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

:: Email Rynnie[>]
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:: My Flickr [>]
:: Animal Rescue [>]
:: Alex Bennett [>]
:: amy [>]
::Barb [>]
::Brian Malow [>]
::Charles [>]
:: eva8 [>]
:: Gina [>]
:: KITHblog [>]
::Kristi [>]
::Marc Hershon [>]
:: My Cat Hates You Dot Com [>]
:: Neil Gaiman [>]
:: Not Always Right [>]
:: PostSecret [>]
:: Questionable Content [>]
:: Recovering Beauty [>]
:: Sarah [>]
:: Sarah C [>]
:: Social Grace [>]
:: Tavie [>]

Monday, September 24


I admit it; I'm hooked on Facebook. I watch it all day long. Or rather I did before I started on this cleaning jag I'm on. I'm cleaning out closets, under the bed, finding homes for clutter patches. So I'm doing well. Better than I have been for a long time.

The point of this post is to say that I'm on Facebook. Not here much at all anymore. It's too bad, I do like blogger it just isn't as cool as Facebook.


Status update!

Thursday, March 8

I'm still alive

I'm here. I'm alive. My computer, my dear PowerBook, died and I was without internet for over two months. I miss my old laptop. I have a PC now, a Toshiba, and I'm having to learn all over again how PCs work.

I try to close windows by going to the wrong corner of the screen. I have to stop and think about how to close programs. The sound of the computer coming on is alien and wrong.

The point being that I'm still here, plodding along, learning things I already know.

How are you?

Saturday, December 10

It's very cold outside today. I had to walk down to pick up my meds and my cheeks were well tingly when I got home.

Next time I'll wear pants.


Saturday, October 22

It's a rainy day and I'm bored. I will start writing in a little while. I'm gearing up for NaNoWriMo again this year. I have high hopes of winning. At least the story I'm working on this year is one I feel like I'll like, not like last year when I got half way through and realized I hated the main character.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 17


So I made it though the birthday, alone, sad, but that's behind me. Now I'm dreading the winter. It's starting to get colder, didn't make it out of the 50s yesterday. I don't want to turn on the heat. I don't want to see the snow.

I'm missing summer already.

Wednesday, August 31

It's that time of year again

The pre-birthday blues are upon me. At first the idea of turning 50 didn't bother me, now it seems a really big number to be.

I don't want to be one of those mid-life crisis "Why ME!" people that yearns for their twenties but 50 is a long way from 20. It feels like I was another person back then. And of course I was. I think that I'm a better person now especially with all my chinks and dings, than I was back then. I don't fret like I used to (thank you, meds) and I'm more comfortable with who I am than I was.

So why the stress?

I can only guess that it's a tradition. It happens every year and I've gotten to expect it. There's nothing more to it than that.

So until Monday I say quietly to myself, "Waaaahhhh, why me?" and wait for the clouds to clear.

Wednesday, January 5

The New Year

I've had a look around and this is 2011.

There is the same crap as the old year except it's got a little more dust on it.

Today I slept through the doorbell ringing for half an hour and Dresden didn't get up from where he was sleeping. I was on my side and he was laying on my side. I went grocery shopping with Darrell today, seriously thinking about giving up meat so I didn't buy any. I need to lose weight and it seems like a healthy way to do it.

So there.

Tuesday, October 19

Long Time No Post

It's funny because it's true.

Here it is in a nutshell; I moved, I turned 49 (shut up), found a kidney stone*, spent too much time home alone, then that gets us here.

So, how are you?

*I didn't find it, I had an x-ray for my back and there was a little something there so I went for a CAT-scan, where they found a stone that was blocking my right kidney. (It was the size of a jelly bean, but not one that you'd want to eat.) Well, from there it went pretty quickly, another x-ray, followed by a day procedure to put in a stent. That didn't go well so they put a hole in my back and stuck a tube into my kidney to let it drain. Then, as if that weren't enough, I spent nearly a month house bound with nurses coming in to change my dressing every other day. Finally I got another day surgery scheduled where the stone was zapped with a laser and a stent put in and the tube taken out (Yay!)

Saturday, August 28

What you've missed so far

I found an apartment, packed, moved, and am now in the process of unpacking.

I like my new place, it was built in the 20's and has a nice at-home feel to it. I'm slowly putting things away and finding that I have more stuff than space (SURPRISE!).

That's it for now. Feeling tired and hungry.

Wednesday, June 16

June, so far

I've bought a car. I've gotten a Section 8 voucher. And I had a really good nap.

How are you?