Rodeo Roommate strikes again
I had a can of frozen lemonade in door of the freezer. Since I don't have a pitcher, I made it a glass at a time, there was enough left for one more glass so I put the metal disc on the top and put it, standing on its end, in the body of the freezer.
I come down the next morning to find that Rodeo Roommate had put in on its side in the door. Now there's stickiness on the door of the freezer so that when you open it up, it sticks slightly. I don't say anything to him, I just put the can back in the freezer on its end but this time I open the metal disc on the top a little, so he can see that its open.
This morning (afternoon, whatever, it was my first trip to the kitchen of the day) he calls from the living room.
RR: Hey Rynn.
ME: Yeah.
I step out into the hall so that I can see him as he lays on the couch.
RR: Can you clean the rest of that sticky off the door?
ME: I didn't do that, you did that when you moved my open can lemonade from the freezer to the door.
RR: I don't remember touching your lemonade.
("This from the man who has black outs," I think.)
ME: Well, you did.
RR: I have my own juice, why would I touch your lemonade?
ME: I don't know. Maybe you saw it and decided that it should go back to the door.
RR: Why was it open?
ME: I'm making it a glass at a time.
RR (in tones that suggest that I'm about as stupid as they come): You make it a glass at a time?
ME: I don't have a...
RR: I don't think I moved it.
ME: I'm not cleaning up your mess, Dan.
RR: Whatever.
I thought it was getting better, because we both know that we don't have that much more time living together, but now he's not washing his dishes (even though when I didn't wash my dishes fast enough he put them on the floor) he's acting like he has to "save" me. He actually gave me a speech the other day on how to find a job. He doesn't believe that I'm disabled, he thinks its an excuse not to work. I don't know how he can think that when I hardly ever leave my room, even when he's not here. He can't seem to see beyond his concept of the world and that concept doesn't include someone like me.
I wish I had a place to go, now. I would pack up my things and just leave. I'm sure he would be happier and I know I would be.
In other news; I'm sick. I think its a head cold or bad allergies but whatever it is, I just want to sleep.
Some people never change, Rynn. I hate that this guy has been such a source of pain, and I hate that you have to go home-hunting again...but I hope that when you get out of this guy's web, things will get much better.
Thanks, sweetie, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. :-)
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