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It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Monday, June 19

I'm depressed

I hate that I have to go back to Concord tomorrow.

I hate the Joe is saying, "I love you," to the cunt that broke his heart 5 months ago. He told me tonight that he's happy. I wanted to say, "You're delusional." He might not have moved back in with her, but he might as well be living with her. He acts like nothing has changed and that frightens me.

I hate that he found a place in San Francisco and I have 41 days to find a place or I'm homeless. I hate that I hate something good that happened to a friend.

I hate that my friends sent me money to move into a place that I am now leaving, I hate that I wasted their good will on something so awful.

I'm depressed and full of anger. I want to punch someone in the head and just as they get their barings back, I want to punch them again.

I want to go to bed and never get up. I miss my kitties. I'm sad that my weekend in San Francisco is almost over and I have to go back to that fucking hell hole. I'm so close to tears that my stomach hurts. I should go to sleep now.


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