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Saturday, May 27

The Pending Storm

I knew it would happen because he was still in love with her. I can't really understand why after what she did and how she treated him, but that's not my call to make. I can understand still being in love with the good parts of the relationship, that makes sense to me, what doesn't, is that he trusts her to bring those parts back.

I don't understand how he can put his faith in someone whose heartless actions made him want to die. She forced him to leave their apartment and move into a halfway house, she fucked another guy, (she claims that this was after they broke up, but it had to have been in the planning before, nothing is that convenient) then after saying that he could store his stuff in their apartment she threatened to throw it out if he didn't go and get it by a certain time. I don't know how he can forgive that. Granted I'm not a guy, I know guys have a different way of looking at situations; from what I understand it goes something like - will she touch it, will she touch it again, can I keep her touching it over and over?

And that's as far as it goes.

This weekend they are together, he's already talking about how often he can drive down to L.A. and how often he can fly her up here; what happened to taking it slow? I guess she touched it again.

I have never pretended to understand any of this, but one thing remains solid; I don't like her anymore, I don't trust her anymore, and I don't want to see her ever again. She hurt my friend, and I don't believe that she won't do it again. He might still be in love with her, but my attitude has changed. I'm scared for him but he is walking, eyes open, into the trap.

There's nothing I can do.


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