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It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Thursday, May 3

WKRP in Cincinnati

As you can see I've added a new banner. Season one of one of my all time favorite shows has been released onto DVD. WKRP was a sitcom in the very best sense of the word, it was character driven by people I cared about.

The first season DVDs include, “Pilot (1)” withcommentary by creator Hugh Wilson and Cast Members Loni Anderson and Frank Bonner.

“Hoodlum Rock” Scum of the Earth: That's our story and we're sticking to it.

“Turkeys Away” (As God as my witness, I thoughtturkeys could fly.) With commentary with Creator Hugh Wilson and CastMembers Loni Anderson and Frank Bonner.

“Goodbye, Johnny” and “Johnny Comes Back” Where we learn that you can
say Booger on the air now but there are still some things that cross the line.

“Who Is Gordon Sims?” Venus a draft dodger AND a school teacher?

Plus the featurettes “Do My Eyes Say Yes?” and “A ‘Fish Story’ Story."

I can't even say how much this show impacted on my life; I used to call my high school principle, Big Guy; my conversations were peppered with quotes from the show; and I've said it before, I'll say it again, Howard Hesseman was the wakening of my sexual desire and seeing him strikes me the same way to this very day.

To learn more about the DVD and to buy a copy visit here. Do yourself a favor and pick one up.

Do you mind if I leave?


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