To get in the mood to write
I will write a little something here to get warmed up to fiction up some wordage.
Bad start.
Start again.
I don't remember the last time I wrote any fiction. It would have to be the notes I took after the night that I dreamed about the virus. What virus? you ask. See if I wrote it here, I would lose the need to write it anywhere else. One day it will be on line and I will remind both of you where to go to read it.
In other news; Sparkie has fallen off the edge of the world again. Went to Canada and came back (I assume he came back because I haven't heard from him) with no word or postcard to me. He has an oversized shirt and some yarn for me, and here I sit, shirt too tight and yarnless.
I really don't think I'm going to last the rest of the spring with this roommate. He drank my cooking wine -- Jesus! A week ago he asked if he could have some, I said sure. See, I forgot that he is a SELFISH person, but I didn't think he'd finish the bottle. I had only used about a half a cup to add some flavor to the Yankee Pot Roast I was making and he drank the rest! It only cost $3! It was yucky smelling and caused (what I called) stinky wine flies to gather. He seems to think that "having food on hand" for more than 3 weeks, means that he can have it. I told him that it belonged to the one who paid for it, but I'll bet he'll be eating all my canned food next. He has no food and somehow this is my problem. He spends all his money on beer, smokes, and cheap crazy women who bounce off the walls on the hallway outside my bedroom door at 4am and I'm supposed to feed him. I felt sorry for him for about a minute until I realized that its only a bad situation if its his bad situation, everyone else, including those of us who kept him from starving, can go fuck themselves. He had money last Wednesday, did he offer to pay me the money he owes me? No. Did he run out of money and decided that my apple juice is his for the taking. Yes. Why? Because, and I quote, he's "not going to live on water when there is apple juice in the freezer." The fact that its not his apple juice completely failed to show up on his radar. The whole time I've lived here he's never bought coffee or half and half but enjoys mine until its gone, then he waits till I buy some more.
So what do I do? Run out of money because I can't keep any food in the house because he's always eating it, and paying late fees in spite of the fact that I told him when we met to discuss becoming roommates that I didn't have any money until the second Wednesday of the month and he said that that was okay because he paid the rend late anyway and that in this same first meeting he told me that PG&E was only $20 a month now tells me that I should put $50 to $75 aside for this purpose.
This will turn ugly before its over.
1. I will be taking the $55 he owe me out of this coming month's rent.
2. I will not pay the late fee. If he expected me to pay more than $600 for rent then he should have told me that it was due by the 5th or I'd pay $25.
3. I will only pay $20 for PG&E, anything more and I will deduct it from the rent.
4. I will give notice and move. Back to Maine if I have to.
I'm no one's patsy, I will not be taken advantage of, I give people chances and he has used up his.
OOOH that burns me up.
Want me to hit him?
I'm sorry, Rynn. I wish I knew what to say to help. It upsets me to see you keep getting heaped upon with problems.
dude, you should totally get a minifridge. seriously. what an asshat and a half.
augustx at aol dot com
He sounds REALLY poopy. Hide your non-perishables in your room. Does your door have a lock?
It does, I bought and installed a new doorknob lock. I lock it anytime I leave the house, take a shower, or am in my room. Sometimes I lock it when I go downstairs to cook, if, in fact, there is any food left to cook.
Asshat? LOL Is that what a butt head wears?
Thanks guys.
Sorry about the comments not showing up, turns out I have to okay them.
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