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It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Sunday, December 24

Christmas Eve

I'm celebrating Christmas. It feels so unreal. I've make three batches of sugar cookies, double batches of fudge and Needhams, three batches of double chocolate chip cookies (for Santa; Aidan, 9 years old, requested that I make these especially to leave out for the jolly old elf because, "they are your famous best cookies ever!") I also cooked three pies, apple, blueberry, and pumpkin, Mrs. Smith, bless you and your important work. I prefer the take out of the freezer stick into a preheated oven kind of pies. I've never had good luck with crusts. However, the Santa cookies were from a mix, the candy and sugar cookies I made from scratch.

Now I'm really tired.

The fam is back from Christmas eve at Darrell's family's house, so I'm off.

Have a good holiday, y'all.


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