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It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Friday, November 3


I've been feeling worthless the last couple of days. I've been broke and have had to ask to borrow money to get the Zoloft that keeps me from crumbling completely. I had to borrow more to keep the stuff I have in a storage unit in Berkeley from being sold for non-payment. Now I can't bring myself to ask for anything else. Last night we had food with corn kernels in it and so I had toast for supper. I wanted to ask for something else but I just didn't feel like I could. D. offered to cook me a pork chop but that's what we're having tonight so that didn't seem like something I should do.

I feel so trapped within my head, I need a therapist, I know if I could talk to someone I would feel better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm no therapist, but call me when you want to talk.

Fri Nov 10, 08:13:00 AM EST  

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