This Is My 600th Blog Post
I don't know why I feel like this is a celebration, I know there are people who have not been posting as long as I have who have posted more often but it's an even number so I call attention to it.
It's another day of feeling displaced and forgotten, at least I have a therapist intake appointment on the 19th. I hope I can get into regular therapy quickly, I so need to feel better about my life and prospects. I need to find my muse again, I can't remember the last time I have a new idea for a story. I want to get Ambassador, Earth in better shape so I can send it out. I should invest in a new Writer's Market book, but I'll wait until I have something to send out before I do that.
I need to move out of here, I hate having to put my name on everything that's mine or people will use it.
I drove yesterday - it was from West Gardiner to here, so it wasn't much but I think I'm getting more confident. I wish gas wasn't so expensive, as it is I feel like I need to wait until I have some money to pay for gas. Although, I don't think I've ever gone anywhere for my benefit, its always when someone needs to be picked up or taken somewhere. Maybe when I have money, I can pay for gas to go out for a drive.
It's all about the wait and see.
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