Brief post
The last couple of weeks have flown by. I thought I'd catch you all up on what's been going on.
A week ago Tuesday I was lucky enough to go to a press screening of Serenity. I took Tony Dijamco as my guest and it was good times.
Then Thursday I went with Di to the midnight showning of Serenity because I'm nothing if not obscessed. I met a couple of fellow Browncoats, Melissa and Arielle, both of whom are fab gals and I hope to keep in contact with. Then Friday day (just a few hours after getting home from the movie) I met up with Arielle and her sister Val and went to the Neil Gaiman reading and signing of Anansi Boys. As always Neil was amazing and lovely and I heard later that he was signing books until 2am. He does care for his readers.
Saturday I spent in my jim-jams; napping was expected and happened.
Most of the weekend as well as Monday was spent watching the first season of Lost.
This morning I woke up ***really*** early - like 4:30ish - I was congested and couldn't stop sneezing. Since I couldn't sleep and sneeze at the same time I took an Advil Cold and Sinus, read some of Pratchett's latest, Thud, and fell back to sleep at around 7.
By the time I woke again at 10 I was sure that I had a cold. I'm kinda achey, my throat is scratchy, and my nose is running like... something that runs a lot. I didn't go to therapy because I felt too icky to talk about my problems. I went out, got some Alka-Seltzer Plus, night-time cold (soothing lemon) came home and took a nap.
Now it's a little after 8 and I'm off to bed.
Oh, and Comedy Day is Sunday, I hope I'm not too sick to go.
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