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Sunday, January 16

Telephone stalker

Yesterday I had a number of calls from, who my Caller ID identified as, Mary Bill. Mary, if that's who it was, had a tiny hesitant voice, like a school girl who had too much to drink.

The first time she called, she asked for Grossman. I said, "I'm sorry you have the wrong number." I paused because I expected a thank-you. Instead, she asked, "Are you sure this isn't Grossman?" I said yes I was sure she had the wrong number and because I was also sure that this woman was not going to thank me, I hung up.

A minute later the phone rang again, this time it Caller ID showed the number but no name. It was her again. "Do you promise this isn't Kathryn?" (I guess that she was asking for Kathryn when I heard Grossman, but I was neither so it worked out the same.) "Yeah." "There's no Kathryn there?" I went into bitch mode. Normally this takes longer, but I'm weening myself off of anti-anxiety meds and had my first snippy argument with Joe so I was in no mood to be patient with this woman. "Who are you?" I growled. "Are you some kind of nut?" I paused to let her admit she was a loony but when she didn't say anything, I said, "Stop calling here," and hung up.

I thought I would tie up the phone by going online so if she called again the line would just ring and ring. I picked up my email and surfed awhile then decided to finish watching a DVD I had started watching the day before.

Ten minutes later the phone rang again. It was Mary again, calling from the first number. I answered it and she asked, "Do you want to know who I am?" I said, "I don't care who you are." She asked, "Can I tell who I am?" "No. Now go away." Again I hung up.

A half an hour later the phone rang again, it was her, but I didn't pick up. She hung up when the answering machine beeped.

I went back online and did a search on Mary Bill and on the phone numbers, I didn't find anything.

I don't think I would be as interested if the name she was asking for wasn't so close to my own, but I don't want to talk to her. She sounded really needy in that "I'm drowning, you're trying to swim me back to shore but I'm going to claw and grab and push your head underwater until I kill us both" kind of way. Who needs that? I'm trying to keep myself from drowning I really don't need the extra struggle.

Arg. I really need to get these meds out of my system.


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