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It's dark, it's soft with some pokey out bits some of which are sharp and hurt; it's like anyone else's head really.

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Sunday, December 19

As it comes to me

I'm celebrating the holiday season like any sane person by watching zombie movies.

Yesterday I watched Night of the Living Dead and Shaun of the Dead while working on a sewing project. One day I'll post a picture of this project but it's for someone that might read this and I want it to be a surprise.

Today, I think I'll watch The Star Wars trilogy. I've owned it for ages and haven't watched it yet. I think I'm afraid to see that Lucas has further fucked with the movie that changed my life. I wish he'd just left it alone. Sure, put out a Director's Edition -- that is a time honored right -- but let the film that was released to the theaters be put out on DVD, too. I saw it so many times when I was a teenager that when I see the "updated" version it makes me dizzy.

The same thing happens when I watch Monty Python with commercials and "edited for television" versions of O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I'm such a Virgo sometimes.


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