Endings and Beginnings
As some of you know, I lost my sweet Maudry Moo, the Wiggly Diva, February 15, 10:41EST of this year to kidney cancer. She was my love-bug. She would leap onto my hip the moment she knew I was awake and meow "good morning!" to me. When she was getting sick all she wanted to was to lay on me, left shoulder and chest if she could manage it. And she would make sure she could manage it; the second I sat down she was on me. I was with her at the end, laying next to her on the bathroom floor, petting her head, and letting her that I loved her and that it was okay to let go.
It still hurts, life without her, but I needed that kind of affection that her sister, Jocelyn, couldn't give.
Today I got Dresden. He's a little kitten, I'm not even sure that he should be away from his mother. But at around 1:15p there was a knock on my door and when I opened it, there he was on the floor outside my door. I squealed and picked him up; there around the corner, on the stairs, was Theanna with a big smile.
I've tried to take pictures of him but he's either under something or on the move, right now he's asleep on my chest.
Joss is not happy, but she'll get over it.

Proper pictures and stories to follow.
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